Trade Organizations Rules 2013
15. Eligibility to vote. –
(1) Subject to provisions of section 10 of the Act, the eligibility of a member of trade organization to vote at the elections of the trade organization shall be subject to following conditions, namely:-
(a) the member has completed two years of valid membership of the trade organization as on the date of announcement of election schedule by the executive committee of the trade organization:
Provided that old members shall be eligible to vote on completion of one year of their enrollment and payment of all dues; and
(b) the member has fulfilled the conditions of membership and renewal thereof of the respective trade organization under rule 11.
(2) Every member eligible to vote shall deposit with the secretary general, the specimen signature card alongwith photograph indicating the status in the firm, company or concern. The right to vote shall be allowed only to the proprietor, partner or the director of the member-firm or company, or a person not below the rank of general manager authorized by the board of directors of a public limited company or, as the case may be, a multi-national corporation.
(3) The proprietor, partner or director of the member-firm or company, concern or a person not below the rank of general manager authorized by the board of directors of public limited company or a multinational company shall be entitled to cast vote at the time of election only if name of such person has already been registered with the secretary general and his name appears on the list of voters.