Circular / Info

All Members

Air Cargo Agents Association of Pakistan

By:  Email/website



FOR THE YEAR 2023-2024 

Dear All Members,

It is being informed to you that Membership of your agency/company will expire on 31st of March 2023. Therefore, you are requested to send your Annual Subscription fee of Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) for the year 2023-2024, before 31st March 2023 through Crossed Cheques/Pay Order/Demand Draft in the name of ‘Air Cargo Agents Association of Pakistan’ along with the following documents

  • Letter of request for Renewal of Membership on company’s letterhead

·       Proof of filing of Income Tax Return under Income Tax Ordinance 2001 and Sales Tax Return (if applicable) along with the copy of Income Tax Return for the preceding year.

  • CNIC photo copy of  Official Representative
  • Copy of IATA Certificate 2023 (only for IATA Agents)
  • Undertaking on company letterhead to comply with the FATF guidelines and UNSC Sanctions on Counter Proliferation

Please note that as per Trade Organizations Rules-2013 members who fails to renew their membership by 31st March 2023 their membership will automatically stand suspended. Restoration of such membership will be treated according to Article 8(f)(g) of Articles of Association of ACAAP as quoted below.


8(f). If a member fails to pay the annual subscription by 31st day of March in any year he shall cease to be a member but shall be eligible for restoration of membership by paying full admission fee along with full amount of his annual subscription/subscriptions and contributions to be computed from the date its becomes payable after the expiry of period for which the subscription was last paid by him.

8(g) Any member failing to clear all sums payable to Association including annual

       subscription shall be treated as defaulters and shall not be entitled to:

(a)        Become a candidate in elections.

(b)        Proposed or Second a Candidate.

(c)        Hold or act convener-ship of any sub-committee/council.

(d)       Attend meeting or vote in the meeting.

(e)        Any type of service of ACAAP.


Therefore, all are requested to kindly note that last date for submission of Request for Renewal of Membership along with Annual Membership Subscription and documents mentioned above at ACAAP Head Office is 31st March 2023.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

S. M. Feroze
Secretary General